- HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript, Angular, SCSS and
anything within
the scope of angular
How well do I work with these?
I'm pretty good with these, I can build a website from scratch if i have to.
- NodeJs, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Firebase, and
Thats a lot are sure you can handle that?
Most of us devs do alot and so we know alot too. I prefer building with NodeJs and Express and a
database, but over the years I've picked up python and firebase so that's also a skill I have.
What about SQL?
Sql was one of my first databases to venture into so I can still work with it, however i use ORMs
like TypeORM
- Mobile
Flutter and Kotlin
What about Java?
I have worked with Java before, but I prefer to use flutter and kotlin for mobile development
because it a way easier path to take.
So you like it easy?
Well yes! I'm an advocate for efficiency and I like to get things done quickly and easily.
Other tech stuff
- Github, Docker, Kubernetes, GCP, and a few other things.
What do you use these for?
I use git for version control and for hosting my projects, docker for containerizing my
applications, kubernetes for managing my containers, and GCP for hosting my applications. I'm
familiar with the cloud space and good number of services on GCP like App Engine, Cloud Run, Cloud
Functions, Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, Cloud Build and GKE.